Research Experiences

2015 – 2017 Deputy Vice-Rector for Research, Discovery, Creation and Innovation at Université de Montréal
2014 – 2015 Director of Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie CIRST
2004-2005 Visiting Research Fellow, IHPST, University of Toronto
2004 Participant to the Dibner/Marine Biological Laboratory Summer seminar “Molecular Evolution”.
2000-2004 Research Assistant at the Center for Philosophy of Biology, Duke University.
2001-2002 Participant at the Faculty Colloquium of the Center for Genomics Ethics, Law and Policy (Part of the Institute for Genome Science and Policy), Duke University.
Mars 2002 – septembre 2002 Research assistant toto Marjorie Grene for her translation of Hervé Leguyader “Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1772-1844: un naturaliste visionnaire” Belin, Paris, 1998. My work consisted mostly on archive research on the correspondance of Baron de Cuvier and Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and other 19th Century French biologists.
1998-1999 Research Assistant for various SSHRC and FCAR projects at the Université de Montréal namely “L’impact philosophique de la la théorie des catégories”(SSHRC), “Naturalisme et Rationalité” (FCAR) and “Épistémologie des mathématiques” (SSHRC).