• Research and innovation in Québec: ACFAS’ president urges the government to take action

    In the course of the cabinet reshuffle and the presentation of the 2016 provincial budget, ACFAS’ president, Frédéric Bouchard, urged the Québec government to use all required means for making stronger connections between research and innovation in all sectors of society and in all fields. Il faut développer notre plein potentiel en recherche et innovation pour […]

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  • Frédéric Bouchard aux Journées de la relève en recherche

    Conferences: orientation for the next wave of researchers

    As part of the “Journées de la relève en recherche” organized by the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) and the graduate students consultation led by the Comité intersectoriel étudiant of the Québec’s research funding agency (FRQ) (September 24 and 25 2015), Frédéric Bouchard gave two conferences. “Excellence en recherche” Journées de la relève en […]

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  • The state of research and innovation in Québec: conference at QuébecInnove

    For the first meeting of QuébecInnove (Sept 21 2015), Frédéric Bouchard, director of CIRST, gave the keynote conference on the state of Research and Innovation in Québec (FR) PDF of the powerpoint (in FR): BouchardQuébecInnove.pdf The presention was based on the expertise of many CIRST members. The edited volume “Sciences, technologies et sociétés: de A à Z” comprises many […]

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  • La Presse

    “L’importance de la recherche”: Op-Ed in La Presse

    In the August 18 2015 edition of La Presse was published an Op-Ed demanding better funding for University Research. This letter was co-signed by (among others) Frédéric Bouchard, the association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), the Fédération des associations étudiantes de l’Université de Montréal (FAÉCUM),  and many other Canadian graduate student associations (including McMaster, University of Toronto, […]

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  • “Research 101” : understanding Quebec’s research system

    A joint workshop with Louise Dandurand, ACFAS’ president and Frédéric Bouchard, director of the CIRST, during the “Journées de la relève en recherche” organized by the ACFAS in 2014

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