- Affdal, Aliya ; Frédéric Bouchard; Charles Marsan; Ely Mermans; Vincent Mousseau; Vardit Ravitsky; Christine Rothmayr Allison; Simon St-Georges; Pierre Trudel; Francois-Joseph Lapointe. 2023 “Quand les bactéries font la loi : regards éthiques, épistémiques, juridiques, politiques, sociales et techniques sur l’utilisation du microbiome humain à des fins judiciaires” Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 10, no.2 :152-154 https://doi.org/10.7202/1101139ar WEBSITE du projet avec vidéos https://quandlesbacteriesfontlaloi.ca/accueil.html
- Bouchard, Frédéric; Chan, Yolande; Patry, Gilles; Rossant, Janet; Schafer, Laurel; Singh, Baljit; Timmons, Vianne “Rapport du comité consultatif sur le système fédéral de soutien à la recherche / Report of the Advisory Panel on the Federal Research Support System” 2023 Gouvernement du Canada ISBN 978-0-660-48161-6 FRANÇAIS https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/comite-soutien-federal-recherche/fr/rapport-comite-consultatif-systeme-federal-soutien-recherche ENGLISH https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/panel-federal-research-support/en/report-advisory-panel-federal-research-support-system
- Bapteste, Eric, Philippe Gérard, Catherine Larose, Manuel Blouin, Fabrice Not, Liliane Campos, Géraldine Aïdan, M. A. Selosse, M. S. Adénis, Frédéric Bouchard, Sébastien Dutreuil, Eduardo Corel, Chloé Vigliotti, Philippe Huneman, F. J. Lapointe, and Philippe Lopez. 2021. “The Epistemic Revolution Induced by Microbiome Studies: An Interdisciplinary View” Biology 10, no. 7: 651. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10070651
- Barberousse, Anouk et Bouchard, Frédéric “Environnement” in Jean Gayon et Thomas Pradeu (Eds) (2021) Philosophie de la biologie II: Évolution environnement et diversité biologique,
Librairie philosophie J.Vrin, Paris, 415-426.[www]
- Traduction par Frédéric Bouchard et Mathieu Charbonneau de Robert N. Brandon “The concept of environment in the theory of natural selection”, Adaptation and Environment, Princeton (NJ), Princeton University Press, 1990, chap.2 pp. 45-77, in Jean Gayon et Thomas Pradeu (Eds) (2021) Philosophie de la biologie II: Évolution environnement et diversité biologique,
Librairie philosophie J.Vrin, Paris, 415-426.[www]
- Etienne Lord, Jananan S Pathmanathan, Eduardo Corel, Vladimir Makarenkov, Philippe Lopez, Frédéric Bouchard, Debashish Bhattacharya, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Hervé Le Guyader, François-Joseph Lapointe, Eric Bapteste (2019) “Introducing Trait Networks to Elucidate the Fluidity of Organismal Evolution Using Palaeontological Data”, Genome Biology and Evolution, Vol.11 (9): 2653–2665 [www|pdf]
- Christophe Malaterre, Antoine C Dussault, Sophia Rousseau-Mermans, Gillian Barker, Beatrix E Beisner, Frédéric Bouchard, Eric Desjardins, I Tanya Handa, Steven W Kembel, Geneviève Lajoie, Virginie Maris, Alison D Munson, Jay Odenbaugh, Timothée Poisot, B Jesse Shapiro, Curtis A Suttle (2019) “Functional Diversity: An Epistemic Roadmap”, BioScience, Vol. 69 (10): 800–811 [www]
- Frédéric Bouchard “Symbiosis, Transient Biological Individuality, and Evolutionary Processes” in Daniel J. Nicholson, John Dupré (Eds) (2018) Everything flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology Oxford University Press, 186-198. [www|pdf]
- Frédéric Bouchard, David Montminy “Pourquoi et comment déférer aux experts scientifiques” in François Claveau, Julien Prud’homme (Dir.) (2018) Experts, sciences et sociétés Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 219-235. [www|pdf|epub]
- Frédéric Bouchard “Darwinian Ethics: Biological Individuality and Moral Relativism” in Michael Ruse, Robert J. Richards (Eds) (2017) The Cambridge Companion to Evolutionary Ethics Cambridge University Press, 243-256.
- Antoine C. Dussault, Frédéric Bouchard (early access), “A Persistence Enhancing Propensity Account of Ecological Function to Explain Ecological Evolution”, Synthese
- Frédéric Bouchard (early access), “The Roles of Institutional Trust and Distrust in Grounding Rational Deference to Scientific Expertise”, Perspectives on Science, Vol. 24 (5): 582-608
- Julien Prud’homme, Pierre Doray, Frédéric Bouchard (Eds) (May 2015), Science, technologies et sociétés de A à Z, Presses de l’Université de Montréal
- Alex Rosenberg et Frédéric Bouchard (2015), « Fitness » (3e édition, révisions majeures) in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [www]
- Thiago Hutter, Carine Gimbert, Frédéric Bouchard, François-Joseph Lapointe (2015), “Being Human is a gut feeling“, Microbiome, Vol.3, 9
- Frédéric Bouchard (2014), “Ecosystem Evolution is About Variation and Persistence, not Populations and Reproduction“, Biological Theory, Vol.9 (4): 382-391
- Frédéric Bouchard, Philippe Huneman (Eds) (2013) From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality, MIT Press, Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology, 288p
[MIT Press|amazon.com|chapters.ca|barnes&noble|amazon.ca|amazon.fr|amazon.co.uk]
- Frédéric Bouchard “What Is a Symbiotic Superindividual and How Do You Measure Its Fitness?” in Frédéric Bouchard, Philippe Huneman (Eds) (2013) From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality, MIT Press, Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology, 288p
- Frédéric Bouchard (2013), Book Review of “Les limites du soi: immunologie et identité biologique” by Thomas Pradeu in History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Vol 35 (1): 122-123
- Eric Bapteste, Philippe Lopez, Frédéric Bouchard, Fernando Baquero, James O. McInerney, Richard M. Burian (2012), “Evolutionary analyses of non-genealogical bonds produced by introgressive descent”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS, USA), Vol. 109 (45): 18266-18272
- Frédéric Bouchard (2013), “How Ecosystem Evolution Strengthens the Case for Functional Pluralism“in Functions: selection and mechanisms, ed by Philippe Huneman, Dordrecht: Springer, “Synthese Library”, Vol. 363
- Frédéric Bouchard (2012), “Des fourmis et des hommes : examen des prémisses darwiniennes dans la pensée de Benoît Dubreuil“, Philosophiques, Vol. 39 (1): 265-270
- Eric Bapteste, Frédéric Bouchard, and Richard M. Burian (2012),”Philosophy and Evolution: Minding the Gap Between Evolutionary Patterns and Tree-Like Patterns“, in Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods (Vol 2), Series: Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 856), ed by Maria Anisimova, New York: Humana Press (Springer)
- Frédéric Bouchard (2011), Reviewer’s commentary (report #3) of “Biased gene transfer and its implications for the concept of lineage” (2011) by Cheryl P Andam and J Peter Gogarten, Biology Direct, Vol 6(1), 2011
- Liow, Lee Hsiang, Carl Simpson, Frédéric Bouchard, John Damuth, Benedikt Hallgrimsson, Gene Hunt, Daniel W. McShea, Jeffery Powell, Nils Christian Stenseth, Melissa Stoller & Gunter Wagner. (2011) “Pioneering Paradigms and Magnificent Manifestos — Leigh Van Valen’s priceless contributions to evolutionary biology.”, Evolution Vol 65 (4) pp.917-922
- Frédéric Bouchard (2011)Book review of “Subjects of the World: Darwin’s Rhetoric and the Study of Agency in Nature” by Paul Sheldon Davies, The Quarterly Review of Biology Vol 86 (1) pp.37-38
- Frédéric Bouchard (2011)”Darwinism without populations: a more inclusive understanding of the “Survival of the Fittest”“, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Vol 42 (1) pp.106-114
- Frédéric Bouchard (2010)”Symbiosis, Lateral Function Transfer and the (many) saplings of life“, Biology and Philosophy Vol 25 (4) pp.623-641
- Frédéric Bouchard (2009) “Understanding colonial traits using symbiosis research and ecosystem ecology“, Biological Theory Vol 4 (3) pp.240-246
[www|pdf| epub|kindle]
- Frédéric Bouchard (2009) “La fitness au-delà des gènes et des organismes” in Les mondes darwiniens ed par Heams, Huneman, Lecointre & Siberstein, Éditions Syllepse, France, pp. 285-304
- Frédéric Bouchard (2009) Book review of “Science, Politics and Evolution” by Elisabeth A. Lloyd in Isis 2009, 100: 444-445
- Frédéric Bouchard (2008) “Causal Processes, Fitness and the Differential Persistence of Lineages” Philosophy of Science 75 2008: 560-570
[www|pdf|epub|kindle ]
- Frédéric Bouchard (2008) “Ernst Mayr et la définition des espèces“[in numéro anniversaire sur l’héritage de Darwin], Les dossiers de LA RECHERCHE, 33: 50-54
- Alex Rosenberg and Frédéric Bouchard (2008), ‘Fitness‘ (2nd edition) in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/fitness/)
- Frédéric Bouchard, (2007) Book review of “Minerva’s Aviary: Philosophy at Toronto, 1843-2003.” by John G. Slater. in Scientia Canadensis 30 (2) 2007 : 123-142
- Frédéric Bouchard (2007) “Évolution d’écosystèmes sans réduction à la fitness des parties” in Le tout et les parties dans les systèmes naturels, collection « Philosophie des sciences », ed Th. Martin, Éditions Vuibert, Paris, pp.57-64.
- Frédéric Bouchard (2007) “Moving beyond the influence of molecular genetics on the debate about reductionism in philosophy of biology” in The Influence of Genetics in Scientific and Philosophical Thinking, collection “Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science”, Vol.6, co-ed.Anne Fagot-Largeault, Shahid Rahman, Juan Manuel Torres, Springer Academic Publishers. 280 p.
- Frédéric Bouchard (2007) ‘Rationalité et néo-darwinisme : l’origine de la pensée selon de Sousa‘, Dialogue: revue canadienne de philosophie Vol.46 (1) pp.155-163
- Frédéric Bouchard,(2007) ‘Ideas that stand the [evolutionary] test of time.’, Interdisciplines: adaptation and representation, C.N.R.S, Paris.
- Frédéric Bouchard (2006), ‘Fitness‘ in The Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopedia, pp.310-315, ed. par Sahotra Sarkar et Jessica Pfeifer, Routledge Press.
- Alex Rosenberg and Frederic Bouchard (2005) “Matthen and Ariew’s Obituary to Fitness: Reports of Its Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated” Biology and Philosophy Vol.20 (2-3) pp.343-353.
- Frédéric Bouchard (2004), “Evolution, Fitness and the Struggle for Persistence“, PhD thesis, Alex Rosenberg (supervisor), Duke University, 214 p.
- Frédéric Bouchard and Alex Rosenberg (2004) “Fitness, Probability and the Principles of Natural Selection” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science Vol. 55 (4) 2004, pp.693-712.
[www|pdf|epub|kindle] ***reprinted in Stefan Linquist (ed.) (2010) “Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology (The International Library of Essays on Evolutionary Thought)” Vol 1,Ashgate Publishing
- Frédéric Bouchard and Alexander Rosenberg (2003), “Drift, Fitness and the Foundations of Probability“, in: Determinism in Physics and Biology, ed. Andreas Hüttemann, Paderborn: mentis: 108-137.
- Alex Rosenberg and Frederic Bouchard, (2003) ‘Fitness‘ in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy